Video Verification Systems
Eastlakes Security & Controls

Video verification systems in Newcastle

Eastlakes Security & Control offers video verification systems for commercial and industrial clients in Newcastle and surrounding areas.

Emergency after hours
call-out service: 24/7

Instant Visual Verification

With a video verification system, our on-call guards can immediately identify threats and respond to them appropriately. Your data is processed through an encrypted, personal VPN server and is inaccessible from outside parties.

Camera Evidence from the Scene

Video cameras activate the moment an alarm is triggered. This leads to direct video footage of whatever has triggered the alarm. You’ll have video evidence from the scene to use for investigations, emergency response and safeguarding against future threats.

360-degree cameras are the best choice to be paired with a video verification system. This way, you’ll get a full view of everything happening at the scene. It’s important to get a glimpse of everything that’s going on to understand the scope and size of the issue, or if it’s simply a false alarm.

Reduced GuardCall-Out Expenses

False alarms happen. With video verification, you can easily confirm false alarms without a guard having to come out to the scene for verification. Our guard staff will instantly be connected to the camera where the alarm occurred, and they will have access to microphone and speaker capabilities through the camera or the alarm system itself.

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This means the guards can quickly assess the situation, communicate with the person on the scene if necessary, and only respond to real alerts. We’re not complacent about alarms, and we’ll make sure we get full verification about alarms without making assumptions. If we can’t verify a false alarm through video verification, we’ll dispatch a guard team to verify the alarm manually.

Using video verification reduces the costs of guard call-outs by allowing your staff to communicate directly with us in the event of an alarm trigger. If it’s a false alarm, you can let us know quickly and easily. If not, you can prepare us ahead of time so we know how best to respond and what kind of threat to expect.

Faster Emergency Response Times

Because we’ll be able to see the threat ourselves and communicate with your staff to find out the specifics, we’ll be able to alert emergency services more quickly. Faster emergency response is better in every situation and allows things to be resolved in a better way.

Installing Video Verification

If you don’t already have the equipment necessary for video verification, we can easily install it for you on-site. If the equipment is already there and available, hooking you up with the service is quick and simple. You can be connected to video verification and start enjoying the benefits today!

Master license number 000100104
Eastsec Pty Ltd